The theatre of/for the folks
Since 2005 the artistic activity of the Theaterwerkstatt Bethel takes place under the name of »Volxtheater« (theatre of/for the folks).
The »Volxtheaterwerkstatt« is our own specialized form of a workshop. Here, interested persons together dedicate themselves to a topic using artistic means just like movement, singing, texts, images, and they start an exchange of ideas. The »Volxperformance« (performance of/for the folks) develops artistic interventions in public spaces and performative installations. Performances take place as part of very different events. We develop topics ourselves or are requested. The »Jugendvolxtheater« (youth theatre of/for the folks) addresses children and adolescents from the age of eleven years who bring their topics to the public using a variety of means of theatre work.
There are regular performances and opportunities to partcipate in each of the following: Volxtheater (theatre of/for the folks) as well as Volxperformance (performance of/for the folks) or Jugendvolxtheater (youth theatre of/for the folks).